
School News

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Science Week

Science Week

This week we celebrated Science Week at Narre Warren North PS. The theme for 2022 is ‘Glass, more than meets the eye’ and students participated in glass related activities in Science class. Who knew it all starts with sand!

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Problem Solving in Prep

Problem Solving in Prep

We can solve worded addition equations by drawing pictures, using a tens frame, concrete materials or using our fingers. Preps got to choose how they solved the equation.

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Mother’s Day Morning

Mother’s Day Morning

Photos from our Mothers’ Day activity and morning tea. Thank you to all the parents who came today and to the Parents and Friends committee for organising the morning tea. What a wonderful morning

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1/2 Dreamtime Inquiry

1/2 Dreamtime Inquiry

This week for Inquiry Grade 1 and 2’s learned about Aboriginal symbols and what ‘Dreamtime’ means. The students had the opportunity to draw some symbols using chalk

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Basketball Clinic

Basketball Clinic

The weather was perfect for our PE classes today who were lucky enough to participate in Basketball Clinics lead by professional athlete and Casey Cavaliers player Jordan. Our students were super excited to play a few 1-on-1s with Jordan and impress him with their...

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3/4 Camp Manyung

3/4 Camp Manyung

On Wednesday the 25th of May the 3/4 students headed off to Camp Manyung. They had an amazing time completing activities like the flying fox, giant swing, tree rolling, making pizza in the kitchen garden and going down to the rock pools.  ...

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1/2 Inquiry

1/2 Inquiry

During Grade 1/2’s Inquiry unit of “Getting Help and Helping Ourselves” students have been learning more about calling 000 in case of an emergency. We have watched videos, read through a script and been able to perform these in front of the class (actions and...

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Super Scientists!! Here at NWN we are getting the next generation of super scientists ready by learning about force, magnets and electrical circuits we have lots of fun things covered!

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