Back in Time

The Grade 3/4 students went back in time during the week to see what school was like in the olden days. They wrote with quills and ink and practised standing up straight.

ANZAC Assembly

On Friday 23rd of April we commemorated ANZAC Day with our ANZAC Day Assembly. Our Captains led the school in Ode of Remembrance and National Anthem. Other students from Grades 5 and 6 read out ANZAC poems. Some of our Grade 4 students signed some ANZAC words...

Grade 3 Amazing Race

Working on our team work skills the grade 3 students took part in an Amazing Race.

3/4 Lysterfield Excursion

Grade 3/4s went for a hike at Lysterfield Lake as part of our Healthy Mind Healthy Body Inquiry Unit. We had a healthy lunch and spent time playing games and doing mindfulness activities.