
General Information

Our school hours are from 9.00am until 3.15pm each day. The last day of each term students will be dismissed at 2.30pm and 1.30pm on the last day of the year.

The school hours are as follows:

School Commences 9:00 am
Morning Recess 11:40 am – 12:10 pm
Lunch Time 1:55 pm – 2:25 pm
School Dismissal 3:15 pm


Lunch and Breaks

Lunch is eaten in the classroom between 11:30 and 11:40 a.m. Each class sets times for fruit breaks and children are encouraged to have water on their tables.

Extreme weather program

When it is raining at recess or at lunchtime students will remain inside the classroom and will be supervised by teachers until the rain clears. During extremely hot days when the temperature is forecasted for 35 degrees or over, students will also remain inside.

Regular school attendance and punctuality is important if students are to do well at school. Students are expected at school by 9.00am. Being at school all day every day is encouraged at Narre Warren North Primary School.

Parents are encouraged to contact the school if their child is absent to let us know.

A qualified First Aid officer operates in our Sick Bay during recess and lunch each day.

The Canteen is open every Wednesday and Friday. It is provided by Bellbrook catering and each item on the menu has been categorised by Nutrition Australia as a guide to encourage healthy eating. Students can pre-order a lunch order on Friday mornings for a meal of their choice using the QKR app. There is also an opportunity to buy snacks at lunchtime.

At Narre Warren North Primary School we hold our assemblies each fortnight on Friday afternoons at 2:45. Assemblies are facilitated by our School Captains. Assemblies provide us the opportunity to:

  • Provide information to our school community about school programs and events
  • Have students share their learning experiences
  • Present I Can Awards
  • Announce our social skills winners for the week
  • Award the House Cup to the winning House for the week
  • Promote fundraising events – for the school and various charities
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Announce Principal and Assistant Principal awards

At the end of each term, we have an assembly to announce the Academic award winners for the term.

Four Houses operate within the school and students are assigned to one of the houses when they join the school community. In recent years, it was decided that the houses should be renamed and students undertook an investigation of four pioneering families of Narre Warren North, which became the new names for our houses. In fact, some of our current students are descendents of these locally famous families.

  • Rae (Red)
  • Kerr (Blue)
  • Robinson (Green)
  • Troup (Yellow)

Students are awarded House Points for a wide variety of activities (for example sporting achievements, community involvement, positive behaviours, completing homework, etc.) and the house cup is presented on a weekly basis at assembly. A winner is also awarded at the end of each term. 

School Council

School Council comprises of a group of parents and staff, who work collaboratively to set educational policy for the school. School Council’s major roles and responsibilities are:

  • Deciding on major directions of the school program
  • Representing the school in reaching an agreement with the Department on the School Strategic Plan
  • Determining the education policy, goals and priorities of the school within the framework of the School Strategic Plan
  • Approving the school budget which includes locally raised funds, consistent with the School Strategic Plan
  • Maintaining and improving the school buildings and the school grounds
  • Reporting annually to the school community and to the Department
  • Employment of non-teaching staff
  • Stimulating interest in the school generally

School Council meet regularly and base their decision making on the work of its various sub-committees –

  • Finance
  • Parents’ & Friends’ Club

Parents’ & Friends’ Club

The aim of the Parents’ & Friends’ Committee is to improve and upgrade the facilities and education for our children, as well as providing a social avenue for families of our school.

The Club meets every month to discuss and organise fundraising events and to make decisions as to what area of the schools’ facilities the money will be donated to. All parents of students at the school are welcome to come along and contribute.

Parents & Friends have made significant contributions to the school over a number of years.
Some of their contributions include:

  • Funding the building of our Multi-purpose room
  • Air conditioners for classrooms, the library and multi-purpose room
  • Electronic microscopesLiteracy materials
  • Developmental learning equipment
  • Playground equipment
  • Laptops
  • Printers and projectors
  • Classroom computers

Parents’ & Friends’ have also been extremely proactive when taking part in the Westfield Shop for Your School’s Promotion.

Contact Us

Narre Warren North Primary School

15 – 31 A’Beckett Road
Narre Warren North, VIC 3804

(03) 9796 8261

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