
School News

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Prep Inquiry

Prep Inquiry

Prep students are exploring fairytales and were challenged to build better house for the 3 little pigs. Miss Powell huffed and puffed and tried blowing down their houses but all of the pigs were safe.

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1A Shape

1A Shape

On Friday in 1A, students were learning about 2D shapes. The children enjoyed playing a game called ‘Shape Head.’ To play they were able to ask questions about a shape that was drawn behind them on the board and they audience could only reply with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as a...

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Prep Fathers’ Day Morning

Prep Fathers’ Day Morning

Last Friday, before school, our Prep students celebrated Fathers' Day. Students enjoyed morning tea where they read books, planted a seed, coloured in and played outside. Thank you to all the Fathers, Grandparents and Special Guests who came along to celebrate the...

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1A Shape

1A Shape

1A have been working on shapes and today were able to create their own street using 3D shape houses.  

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Science Afternoon

Science Afternoon

Wednesday 14th of August our students celebrated Science Week by participating in a Science afternoon where they became Scientists. Each grade completed different science experiments including: making sherbet, creating balloon rockets, making slime. Have a look at...

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Grade 1 and 2 Fraction Pizzas

Grade 1 and 2 Fraction Pizzas

Grade 1 and 2 students have been looking at fractions. Today in Maths students were given a specific task to create a pizza based on fractions e.g. ¼ cheese, ¼ pepperoni and ½ tomato. Here are some of our creations. Don’t they look yummy!  

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Book Week Read and Feed

Book Week Read and Feed

While celebrating Book Week our students took part in a school wide Read and Feed. Each teacher read a different book and students chose which book they would like to listen to. Students enjoyed listening to the range of stories.  

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100 Days of Prep

100 Days of Prep

On Thursday the 1st of August Prep students at Narre Warren North Primary School celebrated 100 days of prep! Students and their teachers dressed up as not only 100 year olds but as people or things that turned 100 in 2019. During the day we wrote about something we...

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Prep Swimming

Prep Swimming

During the first 2 weeks of Term the Prep students have had a ball attending swimming lessons. The bus ride over to the pool was our favourite part with our bus driver playing Baby Shark for us to sing along to. Thank you to all the parents for helping us get changed...

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Big Cat Faces – Observational drawing by Year 3 & 4

Big Cat Faces – Observational drawing by Year 3 & 4

In Visual Arts, the students in Year 3 & 4 have just completed a unit on observational drawing using oil pastel. They studied pictures of big cat faces (leopards, tigers etc.)  and then sketched their own big cat face by observing very carefully and drawing what...

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Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Morning

Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Morning

On Wednesday 22nd June, the Preps invited their Grandparents and Special Guests to school during Education Week. Altogether, we dabbled in some Arts and Crafts to create a self-portrait, journeyed around the school for an interactive tour and visited the Book Fair for...

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Grade 1 Chance

Grade 1 Chance

Grade 1A have been focusing upon Chance in Maths. They made spinners and then used them with a paperclip to create their own chance spinner. The students tracked the chance result ten times to see if the outcome would be the same or different. Grade 1A students really...

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Socratic Circles

Socratic Circles

Each week Grade 1/2 students complete a 'Socratic Circle' session to work on their Speaking and Listening skills. The inner circle discusses the text or picture prompts, aiming to work out the 'Main Idea'. While the outer circle is critiquing how well the inner circle...

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Grade 1 and 2 Maths Flexible Groupings – Place Value

Grade 1 and 2 Maths Flexible Groupings – Place Value

The Grade 1/2 students participate in maths flexible groupings. Here the students can practise skills that they need to improve on. The students mix between classes and work together to gain more knowledge in the area of place value. The students have been enjoying...

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National Simultaneous Storytime 2019

National Simultaneous Storytime 2019

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools,...

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Open Night

Open Night

For our annual Open Night, the Grade 3 and 4 students showcased their achievements by displaying the work they were most proud of. Those who attended did an outstanding job explaining their work to their parents.     [gallery...

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Life Education

Life Education

Over the past 2 weeks each grade has participated in the Life Education Program. This is a health and well-being Program which aligns with our Social and Emotional Skills Program and Inquiry that we teach. Each year level completed a different program relating to...

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Mothers’ Day Morning

Mothers’ Day Morning

On Friday the 10th of May, we celebrated Mothers’ Day by spoiling our Mothers with a pampering session. We decorated cookies, painted their nails, read books, coloured in pictures and gave massages. We had a wonderful time showing our Mothers’ how much we love them....

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Wacky Wednesday in 1/2 C!

Wacky Wednesday in 1/2 C!

The students in 1/2C have been very enthusiastic about Wacky Wednesday! Whether it be playing games in a different way, reading the months of the year backwards, or even reading words backwards it's always lots of fun. Today we had to pass a hula hoop around the class...

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4A Environmental Walk

4A Environmental Walk

4A went for a walk around our school looking at Sustainable Practices for Waste, Water, Energy and Biodiversity. Students identified what we are doing well and what we could do better in these areas.  

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1/2C CAFE Reading

1/2C CAFE Reading

CAFÉ Reading in 12C is important work! The learning intention for this task was ‘finding the word meaning in context’. It’s hard work finding the clues to figure out the meanings of words we don’t know. Look how they are concentrating and helping each other work them...

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Cultural Diversity Week

Cultural Diversity Week

During Cultural Diversity Week, the Preps celebrated each of the different countries that our families come from. We completed different tasks to represent each country for example, we made alpine hats to represent Germany. We also celebrated how we are all different...

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Term 1 Phonics

Term 1 Phonics

During Term 1, the Preps participated in a range of phonics activities helping us learn our letters and sounds. Please enjoy some photos of the tasks that we completed.    

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Premiers’ Reading Challenge has begun!

Premiers’ Reading Challenge has begun!

The Premiers’ Reading Challenge has begun! What a start our students have had reading many books already. The school has read 621 books in total! The enthusiasm from the students is fantastic to see. Keep reading over the holidays and don’t forget to log your books...

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Naughty Jeffery

Naughty Jeffery

The students were so annoyed at Jeffery out class mascot for leaving to go to Queensland without telling us. We were glad to receive his postcard letting us know that he was ok. The students have been learning all about letter writing and decided to write him a stern...

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Measurement in 1-2C

Measurement in 1-2C

The students learned that we can measure things not just with rulers but also with the blue bots! It has been fun and interesting comparing the length of things using formal and informal units. We also compared the difference between centimeters and millimeters. The...

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News from the Garden

News from the Garden

News from the Garden. We have our first carrots. Last week the Environmental Club harvested our first lot of carrots. These carrots were then washed, peeled and cut so that everyone could try some. The children thought they tasted delicious, giving them a huge thumbs...

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