
School News

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Olden Art

Olden Art

The grade 3/4 students had a go at creating charcoal drawings of different objects as part of our Education Week Celebration. They enjoyed trying to use their finger to make shading and add detail to their pictures.  

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Sports Day in the Olden Days

Sports Day in the Olden Days

As part of Education Week the 3/4 students played some olden day games. They played Hop Scotch, Hula Hooped, played Quoits and skipped rope. They had a blast trying some new games.

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Back in Time

Back in Time

The Grade 3/4 students went back in time during the week to see what school was like in the olden days. They wrote with quills and ink and practised standing up straight.

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ANZAC Assembly

ANZAC Assembly

On Friday 23rd of April we commemorated ANZAC Day with our ANZAC Day Assembly. Our Captains led the school in Ode of Remembrance and National Anthem. Other students from Grades 5 and 6 read out ANZAC poems. Some of our Grade 4 students signed some ANZAC words...

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3/4 Lysterfield Excursion

3/4 Lysterfield Excursion

Grade 3/4s went for a hike at Lysterfield Lake as part of our Healthy Mind Healthy Body Inquiry Unit. We had a healthy lunch and spent time playing games and doing mindfulness activities.  

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Science during Remote Learning

Science during Remote Learning

This term in Science Students are learning remotely. This term our focus is Chemistry. We will be mixing different chemicals together to find out how they change. We will describe the chemicals or materials before during and after the experiment. We will learn about...

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P.E from home

P.E from home

While learning from home 3B had a virtual P.E lesson where we took turns saying an exercise and doing them altogether.

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1B have really been enjoying learning shortcuts to open and close windows, as well as log off their computers. Today they were extremely focused while watching 'Hector's World' to learn about being Cybersafe.

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Auslan Student News

On the weekend I went to Big W with my mum. At the cash register I noticed that the lady standing there had a sign saying ‘Hi my name is Lisa-I’m hearing impaired, please speak slowly so I can lip read’ so I decided to be brave and try and use the Auslan I had learned...

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Prep Inquiry

Prep Inquiry

Prep students are exploring fairytales and were challenged to build better house for the 3 little pigs. Miss Powell huffed and puffed and tried blowing down their houses but all of the pigs were safe.

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1A Shape

1A Shape

On Friday in 1A, students were learning about 2D shapes. The children enjoyed playing a game called ‘Shape Head.’ To play they were able to ask questions about a shape that was drawn behind them on the board and they audience could only reply with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as a...

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Prep Fathers’ Day Morning

Prep Fathers’ Day Morning

Last Friday, before school, our Prep students celebrated Fathers' Day. Students enjoyed morning tea where they read books, planted a seed, coloured in and played outside. Thank you to all the Fathers, Grandparents and Special Guests who came along to celebrate the...

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1A Shape

1A Shape

1A have been working on shapes and today were able to create their own street using 3D shape houses.  

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Science Afternoon

Science Afternoon

Wednesday 14th of August our students celebrated Science Week by participating in a Science afternoon where they became Scientists. Each grade completed different science experiments including: making sherbet, creating balloon rockets, making slime. Have a look at...

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Grade 1 and 2 Fraction Pizzas

Grade 1 and 2 Fraction Pizzas

Grade 1 and 2 students have been looking at fractions. Today in Maths students were given a specific task to create a pizza based on fractions e.g. ¼ cheese, ¼ pepperoni and ½ tomato. Here are some of our creations. Don’t they look yummy!  

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Book Week Read and Feed

Book Week Read and Feed

While celebrating Book Week our students took part in a school wide Read and Feed. Each teacher read a different book and students chose which book they would like to listen to. Students enjoyed listening to the range of stories.  

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100 Days of Prep

100 Days of Prep

On Thursday the 1st of August Prep students at Narre Warren North Primary School celebrated 100 days of prep! Students and their teachers dressed up as not only 100 year olds but as people or things that turned 100 in 2019. During the day we wrote about something we...

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