School News
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Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club fun! at NWNPS Monday and Friday morning from 8.20am in the Science room. Cereal, fruit, baked beans and toast available.
Grade 3 Inquiry
The Grade 3 students have been looking at Making Healthy Choices for their inquiry. We have made some healthy snacks that students can make at home with their families.
Our Prep students have enjoyed getting to know their new Grade 6 Buddies.
District Swimming
Well done to our fantastic swimmers who competed at District Swimming.
Bonus Play
Our students enjoying participating in our latest Bonus Play.
New Buddy Benches
Some of our families have donated new Buddy Benches to our school.
Book Week Dress Up from Home
Tech Club
Our Tech Club meets each Friday. In Tech Club our students can explore some of the latest educational STEM technology and learn how to use basic coding skills. This includes our Bluebots, Spheros, Cozmo, Ozobots, Lego Wedo2.0, and our Intelino Smart Train.
Updating the Garden
Today, the Gardening group, made up of parents, student leaders, student maintenance and gardening groups, staff and Mel from Bunnings, planted shrubs in the eating area garden and plants in the vegetable garden. A huge thankyou to Kris for planning where the plants...
School in the Olden Days
Olden day dress up at Narre Warren North Primary School.
Prep in the Olden Times
Our Prep students had a go writing with chalk on a chalkboard like they did in the olden days.
Thelma and Bert Visit
Thelma and Bert (Rae) shared their stories with students about Narre Warren North PS many years ago.
1C Information Reports
1C have written their first information report about penguins.
Olden Art
The grade 3/4 students had a go at creating charcoal drawings of different objects as part of our Education Week Celebration. They enjoyed trying to use their finger to make shading and add detail to their pictures.
Sports Day in the Olden Days
As part of Education Week the 3/4 students played some olden day games. They played Hop Scotch, Hula Hooped, played Quoits and skipped rope. They had a blast trying some new games.
Back in Time
The Grade 3/4 students went back in time during the week to see what school was like in the olden days. They wrote with quills and ink and practised standing up straight.
ANZAC Assembly
On Friday 23rd of April we commemorated ANZAC Day with our ANZAC Day Assembly. Our Captains led the school in Ode of Remembrance and National Anthem. Other students from Grades 5 and 6 read out ANZAC poems. Some of our Grade 4 students signed some ANZAC words...
Garden Club is Back
Grade 3 Amazing Race
Working on our team work skills the grade 3 students took part in an Amazing Race.
3/4 Lysterfield Excursion
Grade 3/4s went for a hike at Lysterfield Lake as part of our Healthy Mind Healthy Body Inquiry Unit. We had a healthy lunch and spent time playing games and doing mindfulness activities.
1C’s Published Narratives
1C have been doing some fantastic narrative writing.
Book Week
Science during Remote Learning
This term in Science Students are learning remotely. This term our focus is Chemistry. We will be mixing different chemicals together to find out how they change. We will describe the chemicals or materials before during and after the experiment. We will learn about...
P.E from home
While learning from home 3B had a virtual P.E lesson where we took turns saying an exercise and doing them altogether.
ANZAC Day at Home
Students commemorating ANZAC Day at home.
1B have really been enjoying learning shortcuts to open and close windows, as well as log off their computers. Today they were extremely focused while watching 'Hector's World' to learn about being Cybersafe.
Auslan Student News
On the weekend I went to Big W with my mum. At the cash register I noticed that the lady standing there had a sign saying ‘Hi my name is Lisa-I’m hearing impaired, please speak slowly so I can lip read’ so I decided to be brave and try and use the Auslan I had learned...
3/4 Royal Flying Doctor Service Afternoon Tea
The Grade 3 and 4 students at Narre Warren North PS had an Australian themed afternoon and made donations to raise an amazing $1809 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service as a part of our Term 4 Inquiry unit.
1/2 Taskworks Excursion
Grade I and 2 had an awesome day at Taskworks.